Tamper Evident Seals, Labels, Tape and Other Solutions
Does your business have specific requirements for protecting products from interference, contamination or theft? Do you have cash, valuables, keys or pharmaceuticals being distributed either internally or to external stakeholders? Perhaps your supply chain needs strong and resilient protection for shipping containers? Do you have sensitive or confidential documents needing a security bag for protection during transit?
Whatever tamper evident seals and security products you need, Mega Fortris has the solution. Our range is manufactured to ISO quality, international security and environmental standards where relevant, meaning you get high quality and durable seals, tape, labels, bags and boxes that have the security functionality you need. We stock a variety of options suitable for various applications across any industry. Our products are also customisable to meet any need.
- Strong indicative security seal with metal locking mechanism for optimal tamper evidence. Price quoted is for a carton of 1,000pcs.$360.00
- Easy to use for applications with small sealing facilities. Quick and easy to apply with a metal locking mechanism. Price quoted is for a carton of 1,000pcs.$320.00
- Cost effective key ring solution for 50+ keys. The ONLY key ring that easily allows you to re-use your key ring without cutting it apart. Price quoted is for a single unit.$24.00
- Cost effective key ring solution for 20-30 keys. The ONLY key ring that easily allows you to re-use your key ring without cutting it apart. Price quoted is for a single unit.$23.00
- Cost effective key ring solution for 15-20 keys. The ONLY key ring that easily allows you to re-use your key ring without cutting it apart. Price quoted is for a single unit.$22.00
- Economical, user-friendly plastic padlock seal. Price quoted is for a carton of 1,000pcs.$295.00
- High quality durable plastic and wire utility seal. Price is quoted for a carton of 1,000pcs.$480.00
- A small yet strong seal ideal for applications with small sealing facilities. Price quoted is for a carton of 1,000pcs.$275.00
- Ecomonical pull tight seal for tagging and quick locking requirements. Price quoted is for a carton of 1,000pcs.$240.00
- For sealing reusable security bags. Single use tamper evident seal, easy to remove by hand. Price quoted is for a carton of 1,000pcs.$135.00
For details about these or any other products we stock, please browse our main product categories for specific benefits and uses.
Bolt Seals - A wide range of sizes and types that are perfect container seals for shipping, transport and intermodal purposes.
Plastic Seals
- Suitable for a wide variety of applications, these seals are also known as indicative seals as they provide immediate visual indication of tampering. Can be easily removed by hand or small cutting implement.Cable Seals
- Versatile and economical, semi-barrier seal that provides higher security than a plastic seal. Most feature an internal locking mechanism to prevent the cable from retracting.Tamper Evident Security Bags
- Options available for reusable and single-use applications, offering security and tamper resistance.Tamper Evident Labels & Tape
- These strong adhesive options indicate tampering attempts for packaging and sealed items.Security Boxes - Sealable, impact resistant and form fitting; perfect for transporting high value goods.
Electronic/RFID - Combining the benefits of a traditional seal with electronic technology, track and trace your goods through the supply chain.
Mega-App - Are you using an Electronic/RFID solution? Create a robust chain of custody with tracking and scanning all on your SmartPhone.
Key Management - Flexible and expandable, this system registers, traces and secures your keys without hassles.
Contact us today for further information regarding our labels and other products
For any questions or assistance, please contact us on our number (02) 9999 2324 or enquire online to start a conversation.