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Thursday, March 13, 2025
Key Management
Key Management

Simplify Your Security with Key Management

Does your business have multiple keys for access to buildings, storage facilities and vehicles? Do you need to ensure they are secure and accounted for so unauthorised access, loss and ultimately, theft is minimised? Are you sure that the unit you issued is the same that was returned? You cannot risk your levels of security by improperly managing the processes. Not controlling the units’ issuing and return can cost you not only in terms of theft, but also time wasted, interference with your operations and the general safety of your staff.

We will provide comprehensive key management systems

Mega Fortris supplies quality key management solutions including storage setups that can save you the hassle of manually accounting for and tracking them all. In today’s digital world, you cannot be wasting time with a slow and ineffective method; you need an organised, secure and easy way to track everything throughout your operations. Whatever your industry, we are here to deliver you the perfect system for: hospitality, tourism, aged care facilities, airlines, schools, universities, casinos, logistics, hospitals, property developers, security companies and anywhere large numbers of keys are used.


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  1. $25.00
    The RFID Key Cop features a unique number by which it is identified. Price quoted is for a single unit.
  2. $9,950.00
    A state of the art key cabinet that identifies the Key Cop key rings and weighs then cross references the RFI Keys.

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2 Item(s)



The perfect solution for efficient, safe and reliable Key Management

KeyConductor Lite

KeyConductor Lite

Flexible and affordable solution for automatically collecting and issuing keys

KeyConductor RFID

KeyConductor RFID

The KeyConductor with RFID forms the perfect solution for managing up to thousands of KeyCops



The ideal solution for Cash in Transit Firms

The KeyCop is the heart of our Key Management solution. The KeyCop is marked with a barcode and has an RFID that bears the same serial number. The KeyCop is a seal to which the keys are attached. Once secured, the keys cannot be removed without cutting the wire, providing visual tamper evidence. For more information, please contact sales@megafortris.com.au
The KeyConductor Lite is designed to secure up to 150 keys. The electronic key cabinet provides fully automatic key control, and provides users with access and inventory controls. Reports can be retrieved using our KeyCop Manager software (which is provided with every cabinet) and can be linked directly to the unit or via USB. For more information, please contact sales@megafortris.com.au

Keyconductor with RFID
The Keyconductor with RFID is designed for unmanaged issuing and collection of hundreds or even thousands of keys. Using RFID technology, identification of the KeyCop is wireless which means that even wet and dirty KeyCops are identified. The KeyConductor can be integrated with your current staff badge system to allow access to the system and the keys. For more information, please contact sales@megafortris.com.au

The KeyCaptor is ideally deployed when certain sets of keys are often issued to drivers who have to drive a specific route and perform services on different locations. The KeyCaptor ensures that during issuing and receiving of keys, the KeyCops are weighed and registered. Should a key break off or is tampered with, the KeyCaptor detects it and alerts the user. For more information, please contact sales@megafortris.com.au

Start immediately with the free Software

Start Immediately With The Free Software

Using the software provided, a barcode scanner / RFID reader and a few KeyCops, you can start immediately.

You are able to use the software to register:

  • (i) Users
  • (ii) User Groups
  • (iii) Authorisations

Keys which are issued and returned will be registered in the application by the key manager. The issuing and receiving of keys can be performed via a barcode scanner or RFID reader. It couldn't get any easier than this!

Please contact us at sales@megafortris.com.au or call us to get your license key to the free software.

We also provide a range of economical secure key rings and retractable carabineers that keep your keys handy at all times, help prevent theft, loss or key substitution.

Your Easy, Managed Solution

For complete product details, pricing and specifications browse our product listings. For further information or enquiries please contact us on our Toll Free number 1300 66 99 21 or enquire online, we are available to help.

CaptureTech - Key cabinets that are a secure and affordable way of automating the management and tracking of your keys as they are used throughout your operations. Identifies key substitution, missing keys or broken keys saving you time and money as well as offering increased security. The system is flexible and expandable and so is able to grow with your business.

Tamper Evident Key-Rings

- A range of secure and tamper evident key rings that use a numbered cable seal to protect your keys from theft, substitution and loss.

Carabineers - These are self-retracting and work not only for keys but small torches, walkie-talkies and ID swipe cards too. No more lost or misplaced keys, or dropped and broken walkie-talkies. Quality USA made and guaranteed for over 1million retractions!
